Coco Sanne Hassink
Paintings. Drawings. Illustrations. 


Coco Sanne Hassink (b. 1990, Hengelo Overijssel in The Netherlands) is a Dutch based Artist who paints and draws from a strong influence of the past and childhood trauma.

She works on a regular basis in her studio, where she emerges fully into the act of painting and drawing, understanding that the artist has the gift to externalize the knowing of the unconscious inner eye. 

Breaking the barrier of reason, she is deeply  fascinated by the unconscious dreamworld and it's Symbols & Archetypes, made visible through her art. The stimulated creative imagination invites the viewer to become conscious of the ever present alienation.

Hidden images of desire from every days' mystery. The re-creation of a suppressed realm. The necessity to externalize, leads her to search the deeper layers of that timeless inner universal truth, which is the source of these intuitive images. The 'Unheimlich' figures that spontaneously appear during the proces of making, have a strong expressiveness. Continuously creating, she dives ever deeper into the unknown and gives expression to the unconscious dreamworld. Led by this visual compass, where the painting emerged first and afterwards its conscious understanding, this interaction gives reason why she draws and paints.
